Jul 18

State Troopers In Snohomish County Choose Dense Areas For Traffic Tickets
State Troopers In Snohomish County Choose Dense Areas For Traffic Tickets
One place the Washington State Patrol loves to issue traffic tickets is the area between Lynnwood and Everett. In fact, speeding tickets and HOV infractions are so frequent along this corridor that troopers file nearly identical, form reports that clearly are not written by these troopers. I mean how can every trooper issue the same report? How can they write the same language, word for word? The dirty secret is that the police are issuing traffic tickets by form, and not always by accurate observations. These troopers will tell you that they are on the road "to monitor the speed of moving traffic." Do you ever see troopers monitoring the speed of non-moving traffic? No. The police are not monitoring; they are targeting drivers like you and me, waiting to pull over another driver to whom a ticket can be issued.
Different troopers, identical reports. It's as if each police officer is operating with the same set of eyes! While that is far from true, what is true is that the police in this area of Washington State love to gather around certain areas. But how do I know, you might ask?
A fair question indeed. As I've worked with lots of drivers to keep their tickets off their records, I've done a little research on locations for speeding tickets and other types of infractions in Snohomish County, and I've discovered some of the more frequent locations for traffic stops. I want to share these locations with you, in the event you can avoid falling into the traffic ticket abyss of Snohomish County. Here they are:
Interstate 5, milepost 183 near the Ash Way Park and Ride
I-5, MP 180, near the 44th Ave Park and Ride
I-5, MP 189
I-5, MP 190
Northbound I-5 HOV ramp at 44th Ave West
SR 2, MP3
While other locations exist, these are some of the hot spots. You might see a trooper on a motorcycle along the left shoulder, or camped out in a patrol vehicle in the median. These are great spots for the police to hide, catching unsuspecting drivers who are minding their own business. Drivers should be extra special in the areas I've listed as the Washington State Patrol is eager to pull over more drivers and issue more tickets. Of course, if you get stopped, don't worry. As you can tell, you are not alone. Feel free to contact me so I can provide a free evaluation of your ticket.
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